Library Media Centers
Everyone Belongs @ Our Libraries
Welcome to the BG libraries!
Welcome Letter
The Bruce-Guadalupe campus has two libraries; an elementary library for Grades K5 - 5th grade and a middle school library for grades 6th - 8th. Our two libraries are powerful intellectual and social spaces where students and teachers gather ideas, exchange points of view, and learn together. The library program supports a culture of literacy throughout the school community.
We believe that independent reading is an essential part of each student's learning and growth. Our students choose from the books they want to read and discover the enjoyment and power of reading. Finding the right book at the right time can ignite an emotional spark within children that motivates them to read more, understand more, and read eagerly. When that happens, the world opens. Everything becomes possible.
March Is National Women's History Month
Women’s History Month focuses on commemorating and encouraging the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.
Our libraries feature a large array of titles about women past and present to encourage and inspire all our students!
Middle School Spring Book Fair
Reading Can Take You Anywhere!
March 13th - 20th
- Class Visits from March 13 - 19
- Open During Conferences on Thursday, March 20th
- Middle School Library
Elementary Spring Book Fair
Thursday, March 20th During Conferences
Elementary Gym
Open A World of Possibilities @ Our Libraries!
Destiny Library Catalog
Your BG Libraries are mobile! Access the Destiny Discover school library catalog 24/7!
Need more info on how to download the apps on your mobile devices click here!
Our Digital SubscriptionsBe A Leader @ Our Libraries!
- Elementary Library Class Schedule
- Middle School Library Class Schedules
- Library Calendar
Community Connections @ Our Libraries!
We are social!
Follow the middle school library on:
Resources Within Your Reach @ Our Libraries
Plug-In @ Our Libraries
Tech BasicsGet Results @ Our Libraries
Library Media CurriculumWe Are Here To Help @ Our Libraries!
Library Staff
- Ms. Klug Middle School Library Media Specialist
- Ms. Melville Kdg. - 3rd Grade Librarian
- Ms. Weiss 4th - 5th Grade Librarian
- Ms. Collier Elementary Library Assistant